We all like to make photos and to come out excellent in pictures.
But, how often does that happen?
How often didn’t we regret that silly pose, or the fact that we did not tilt our head more to the left or more to the right?
In addition, that is just the beginning of it. Aside from the blemishes, and issues we all have in regards to the way we look, it is a true talent to know how to pose in a way that will be completely in your advantage.
Remember – hiding something too much will target the viewer towards that point, precisely. The first tip you can put into action is be natural – however, I do not mean be natural in a way your shoulders look like an ape’s shoulders or keeping your hands as hangers.
Actually, it means not to be too dramatic about everything – do not go for the revealing image (where you seem to be showing everything you have on your body) and do not go for the shy look where you are trying to hide everything that’s wrong with you.
Remember to compensate for what you think is a disadvantage, by focusing on your advantages. Note that posture is very important in any picture. Weight distribution is part of this particular factor – you should always place one food behind the other and keep it as if you were just walking.
Regardless of whether you will look at the camera or not, keep a relaxed, natural look, or smile from your heart (even if it is a fake smile, make it look real and natural).